Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Blogging; the upcoming genre of choice

Why Blogs have Evolved:
Genres have long been construed as constraining labels to distinguish between different categories of literature, art, media, and music. However, I believe otherwise. What most people forget is that humans group together memories and past experiences to shape the way they interpret the world and approach decision making. Association is another component of genres. Linking memories or previous information has not only allowed humans (and other animals) to adapt and evolve, but is a safety mechanism as well. If we didn’t use association and grouping to create genres, then essentially it would be hard for any person to master one task. In the context of literature, genres have helped us choose categories that are of interest and the reader has prior experience and knowledge on the subject. So if someone were well versed in the Renaissance they wouldn’t have difficulty understanding related topics or new information on the subject. If someone was more interested in the genre of Science Fiction you could assume certain concepts or the language used would be difficult to understand or would be relatively uninteresting. What we expect to find in a particular genre is called genre conventions. Genre can affect the form, structure, style, and content of literature (englishbiz). Genres essentially are shortcuts our minds use in order to categorize and use past experience to interpret what we are reading. Genres lead to expectations of what your going to read which then develop into a trust (englishbiz). Therefore these categorizations are much deeper and important than most realize.

Genre Creates Catarogies:          
 In the context of blogs, genres are extremely vital. Since a blog is expressing your personal opinion it is important to be able to quickly distinguish a genre or theme of the topic. It is important to do this so that your argument and thoughts are cohesive. Otherwise your blog might sound like a long rant or word vomit. In writing and literature it is important to be able to speak to your audience and connect with them. By being well versed in a particular genre you have inside knowledge and experience to write to your target audience. We live in the age of the “blogosphere” and where the Internet is becoming the largest tool for networking, information sharing, and of course opinions. In order to be able to navigate through countless blogs and posts, genres can help categorize posts so that endless searching will not be required. Genres can also help blogs allow readers to scan through the information to find the key concepts. It’s also important to understand that genres can be an important tool for attracting a particular audience, but the writer does not need to center their entire content over it. Great writing, particularly in blogs incorporates a genre and then explores new ideas as well.

Evolving Way to Connecting and Sharing:
            Blogs are becoming a genre of their own because they are a new form of literature in the online world, and over time have grown into great popularity. Blogs are considered a genre of their own because they are relatively different than websites and other networking sites. This is largely due to blogs being very personal. A blog is collection of someone’s’ thoughts and opinions expressed on the Internet for a mass amount of people to see. Blogs became popular so quickly because it allowed people with similar interests to comment on topics of interest or send readers to other places on the web to further their searches. It’s another sign of the expansion of the Internet and media. People want access to information at the click of the button, and answers to follow that click, so blogs provide the solution. Blogging is now connecting people through the Internet and new communities of like-minded thinkers are formed. “Because the personal form of the blog is what seems to both motivate and satisfy the readers and writers of blogs and thus to have particular evolutionary survival value, we expect that the generic exigence that motivates bloggers is related less to the need for information than to the self and relations between selves” (blog). Just as literature started as a way to inform, then transformed to a way to connect with people, so did blogging. It began as a way of information sharing and sure enough led for a way for people to interact and connect. After all human beings strive to connect with one another and to find others with similar interests. The genre of blogging is quickly the biggest form of networking and information and I believe it will be the number one way to do so in the next couple of years. Who knows with the emergence of blogging and the growing popularity surrounding it, newspapers and the opinion columns will continue to diminish and the Internet will be the sole source of information and communication.

How to Connect on Blogs:



  1. It is interesting to see how rapidly blogging has taken over. There were many other forms of information available to the public on the internet. I think the reason blogging is so powerful, is because we get to hear information from a real person's perspective rather than from a dull book with no emotion, just facts. Blogging will continue to grow, do you think it will ever be replaced?

  2. I do think blogging will be replaced eventually. This is because we live in a very fast growing technological world. Humans evolve with their environments and as technology changes, so will we.

  3. Yes blogging has grown tremendously within the past few years and it has truly become the new thing.
