Finance is a every important aspect of every individuals life. Your finances can make you or break you when applying for a job, loan, and many other important things. I believe that one should understand their finances from a young age. The article I choose was one that was about a program called, 'Invest in Girls." I choose this article because I liked the message it was trying to persuade. This is because they were starting a program that taught the subject of finance to young middle school girls. In the program the girls learned about stocks, investments, financial services and many other important aspects in the industry. I wish when I were younger they had a program similar to this because, I could have gotten a head start on my knowledge of finance. I would also be more knowledgeable about the subject that is very important in making everyday decisions. The first time I ever learned about stocks were in my senior year of high school. This was in my economics class, we were all give one thousand imaginary dollars to invest in stocks. My stocks came out to give me a negative number. Instead of making money I was losing it. If I had started learning about finance in middle school I would have probably done good and most likely better than any other student in the class. So why don't we have this education start earlier in student lives is a question. It was also interesting how the article thought that learning the jargon of finance was important to young girls. This was because it would help them further themselves as future business professionals. Overall this program would be beneficial to any young child and therefor, i'd like to see it expand to every school.